This is a personal project " Alien the Douche Bag" about Social Alienation, Im doing in collaboration with Special effects makeup artist Chris Hansen, and Actor/Model James Christian Morris and Filmmakers Bert & Tiger with One Shot Presents.
Theme- Social Alienation in different gradients of culture, social economic status’s, and social disorientation, caused to be unloved, isolated excluded. ~Hostility- the feeling of being alienated from other people ~Separation resulting from hostility ~ To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate or dissociate. Being Socially awkward out of place.
I started this series while I was covering the Sundance Film Festival. This is the one of the few times a year that I do press coverage. Which is alot different then my normal photography. Im used to a Studio environment with folks and having control or on a movie set where im the only photographer verses being part of a press line with 30 photographers demanding the attention of celebrity X. Doing the press lines and also watching how people react to celebrities is quite fascinating to me. Crowds of people gather with their cameras and follow these celebrities around. It's crazy. Constantly during the festival I have patrons asking me where they can spot a celebrity like they are this endangered species in the wild of Park City. So I had Alien the Douche bag created and did my own social experiment walking around famous Main Street to see how people react. We pretended to be with a film and handed fliers. We had crowds surround us. So many people approached Alien to get their picture taken. Alien got free swag from different sponsors- here wear this. We also walked into parties unannounced and with no credentials with no problem because we had Alien. It was quite fun and there will be more of Alien so stay tuned.