Friday, January 4, 2013

This is not a TV show... this is Vintage Fashion Story that combines Vintage clothing from several stores in the North Loop Shopping district in Austin Texas, complete strangers ( who are not models, actors or perfect people) a glorious Bar, a producer to pull it all together and my crazy idea of fun and no alcohol. Initially this shoot was done for a poster for a fashion event featuring the different stores on the North Loop District in Austin Texas and then it turned into creating a story sequence that I found entertaining. It was alot of fun and alot of work.
 Special thanks to: Rebekka Adams- who produced it and put it all together
 the Austin Independent business Alliance
 Pam Pritchard for hosting our madness at your awesome bar- The Tigress Pub
Models and clothing: Lilly White outfitted by Forbidden Fruit
Jenny Cambell outfitted by Blue Velvet
Eric Adams outfitted by Bloomers and Frocks
Ashli McKee outfitted by Funky Finds
Andrea Kinnigon outfitted by Room Service Vintage

 Couch and Furniture- Lori Goodpasture from Room Service Vintage Austin advertising photography provided by Natalie Cass 

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