Here is a preview of a Coffee Table book im creating. "Pura Vida"
Travel the world, take pictures and make money is the Dream manifested to reality. Awesome. :)
These images were actually taken for fun- the money came later. Returning to Awe/ Wonder; is what got me into photography in the first place. This is fun!
When I did my research about traveling to Costa Rica and bringing my camera gear everywhere I read and people I spoke with said that the thief was absurd. Basically expect to have your belongings stolen. So the whole time I was on hyper sensitive & alert about my equipment. Really uncomfortable, the gear is heavy and lets face it photographers backs are all screwed up anyways. I ended up taking my "big" camera out on hikes.
I have found that the more I travel, the more I want to travel. As a photographer it is imperative for your vision to be expanded continuously - find inspiration around the corner.
I will have a beach house there one day. Go on holiday :)
The locals have a saying- Pura Vida! Pura vida literally means Pura = pure and vida = life, but "Pure life" in Spanish would be "Vida pura" instead, so the real meaning is closer to "plenty of life", "full of life", "this is living!", "going great", "real living", or "cool!" It can be used both as a greeting and a farewell, to express satisfaction, to politely express indifference when describing something or even to say "thank you". The vibration of this place translates this no matter what language you speak. Use hand signals and say " pura vida" with a smile nodding your head, you'll do fine. "Oh, Smile for the Camera, yeah yeah"
Ohhh Butterfly! Nope not distracted at all. See a butterfly!
I will be your personal travel photographer- no problem :)
Travel Photography Cass Studios 2011
Travel Photography Costa Rica Cass Studios 2011